Talking About Automotive Electrical Systems
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Talking About Automotive Electrical Systems

Hello, I am Terry. Welcome to my website exploring automotive electrical systems. The modern vehicle is filled with electronics that run the integral components and ensure passenger comfort, safety and satisfaction. The electronics are all operated by the onboard computer in some way or another. Each system may include a multitude of sensors that talk to the computer several times a second. These interconnected systems keep your vehicle running efficiently. The systems can also alert you to a developing problem. Please feel free to use the information on my site to better understand your own vehicle’s electrical systems and identify problems before it's too late.

Talking About Automotive Electrical Systems

Sneaky Causes For A Cracked Windshield Every Vehicle Owner Should Know

Leonard White

It is a common misconception that if you discover your windshield is cracked, you will probably know how it happened. Whether it is from some sort of falling debris or a flying pebble, these kinds of causes are indeed easy to point out. However, in some cases, a car windshield will crack and you may have no idea at all why the damage happened. If the glass of your windshield comes up damaged and you are at a loss when it comes to determining the cause, you should know that there are some pretty sneaky reasons this can happen.

Experiencing direct force against the window.

Direct force against a windshield can come from a lot of things, such as

  • Someone sitting or standing on the glass
  • Placing something heavy on the windshield itself
  • Driving at an excessively high rate of speed
  • Having your car parked near an explosion, which pushes the force of air pressure against the glass

It can take some pretty excessive force in this form to crack a windshield, but it does happen. Plus, sometimes the damage will not immediately show up as a crack, because small damages tend to spread over time.

Sustaining damage from a hailstorm.

Hail is commonly the culprit for cracked glass, and most of the time the vehicle owner knows when the damage occurred because a hailstorm is hard to miss. However, if a hail stone manages to create a small knick or chip, and this damage goes unnoticed, you could easily see a crack show up seemingly out of the blue.

Exposing the windshield to drastic temperature changes.

If you come out to your car and the windshield is covered in a heavy layer of frost, ice, or snow, one of the worst things you can do is pour a pan of hot water over the surface. You will likely melt the ice, but the sudden change in temperature can also cause thermal shock, which will cause cracks to form. This same damage can come from similar occurrences of drastic temperature change. For example, if you pull out of the freezing cold winter air into an overheated garage, it could be enough to create a crack.

The bottom line is this, you may not actually always know how a crack happened or what was its cause. If you have a cracked windshield and need immediate repair, get in touch with a windshield replacement service, such as Select Collision Group, for advice.

